Sweet Jane
The Object of Desire collection began with Sweet Jane (2014), a leather upholstered fibreglass structure with a silhouette reminiscent of the hourglass figure so desirable and commonplace in the late Victorian era. This was first exhibited as part of a curated show titled Strange forms of pleasure at The Museum of Contemporary Design and applied Arts (MUDAC), in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The inspiration for this piece came from a visit to an exhibition in London about concrete back in 2005. Davidson saw this image of a kevlar corset used for casting sculptural structural pillars and thought it was interesting an object made of flexible materials could be used to make an accurate mould. Nothing initially came of this encounter until he visited a costume design friend who had a tiny little decorative corset on a stand in her living room from the late 19th century. Although vastly different in purpose there combined structural and aesthetic qualities created a starting point for a piece of furniture.